Filling the future, news at ITMA 2023

ITMA exhibition was a very good opportunity to introduce all big news regarding products and services during 2023 by BORSOI.
The Company is leading another step through innovation in the automatic textile production with the fully automatic pillow shell forming and inside out turning, pillow filling and closing line as exposed at ITMA 2023.
It was impressive assist to the demonstration of such automatism; starting from a couple of fabric rolls, the automatic line realizes the pillow shell, reverts the shell, fills it and then closes it to become a pillow (included label application). It worth note that there are only 10 meters of distance between starting fabric rolls to the point where the pillow is completed with no operators involved. Borsoi combined n.4 standard machines into such compact space by using three robots for creating a disruptive, ultra-flexible and compact pillow production working cell.
The first machine used is the ALAN SHELL MATIC, an automatic pillow shell forming unit, in a version equipped with a chain-stitch seaming head; such solution sews the desired pillow shape of the shell, shaping the blow hole.
The ALAN TURNER receives the shell just assembled and revert it inside out.
Despite the humble action of such procedure, that is the most innovative part of the shell production process because the alternatives available in the market lack of efficiency and involve the co-participation of personnel. The smart design of the ALAN TURNER does not require any assistance of personnel and it is effective. The task-accomplished form that machine is so critical that one of Borsoi numerous patent protects it.
One robot arm picks and sets the shell to one injector of the well-known ALAN PILLOW A0302, the automatic pre-weighing and filling machine that does the filling process with the highest accuracy end effectiveness.
A second robot arm picks the filled pillow from the ALAN PILLOW A0302 and set it to the ALAN FLEX SEW ML-1: the automatic pillow blow hole closing unit with lockstitch seaming.
That automatic cell is one-step above all the solutions realized before in the field of textile application.
The solution exposed at ITMA exhibition was just a demonstration of one of the possible configuration of the wider concept of “FromBaleToBox” integrated solution Borsoi is leading along time.
The concept “From Bale to Box” has been introduced from Borsoi years ago and it is continuously developing it. The main idea was to provide a complete automatic line for any padded products like pillows, duvets, mattress pads and others.
Each single “From Bale to Box” solution starts from the filling material preparation and moved thru all the production process steps, until the final box with packed products.
The development of a new line starts with a complete analysis from the Borsoi team and customer, in order to define and list all main needs and requirements, each one of them drive to the definition of a specification of the production line. That process happens in collaboration with the Technical Department, with the Product Engineer and, if necessary, with the R&D team.
The execution of customer material trials is the key part of Borsoi approach in order to deliver what has been agreed. That methodology allows to verify and to confirm the technical solutions selected for each project. The experiences and the skills of the personnel of Borsoi are key factors in defining the production line that fit your needs and your targets.
The whole of an integrated production line “From Bale to Box” is more than the sum of the single parts:
- It is providing a single supplier as reference to manage your production line;
- It is a harmonic sequence of actions that produces filled items in reliable and constant way;
- It is a common control supervision system;
- It is a web integrate service support directly connect to Borsoi helpdesk;
- It’s a tailor-made solution for the customer.
“FromBaleToBox” model ensure efficiency and performances with the support of Borsoi Service team. That is the reason why we had increased the staff and improved the Service page into our Web site, introducing the personal account dedicated for each customer and enhanced the kind of service offered such as:
- the optimization of the process by remote assistance;
- customized option of service on site;
- Implementing four different maintenance programs.
On 2023 a natural evolution of the “FromBaleToBox” came listening customers and following their needs; the innovation though machines and Service has to include the innovation in the process and within the process Borsoi company has to provide the consultancy related the Product.
That is the reason why from 2023 we are offering solutions for Circular Economy business models and about innovative materials.
All start form the Product Lifecycle Management of the final product. The Circular Economy cannot wait longer due to global awareness about environment and by existing or coming laws.
Starting from fresh ideas, from the experiences and from partners, we developed a new approach to generate high value textile products, based upon natural materials or from scraps.
It is possible re-engineering the product using alternative natural material or giving or a second life to waste textile products, considering the scope of use of final product and the way it will be disposed, taking in consideration the environment impact of each lifecycle phases of the product and of the production process associated to it. We can propose a gamma of options concerning Circular Economy and all naturals’ material applications.
Once again, our attitude to developing new equipment according customer needs leads to develop innovative solution for Sustainable Economy.
A very representative and profitable example of recycling of raw materials is the solution dedicate for the separation and recovery of down from pre and post-consumer padded products.
A second example is the use of discarded down and feather to produce technical panels having great insulation and lightweight.
Here the video-interview of Mr. Marco Bottecchia during ITMA 2023 concerning Borsoi news and innovation.
You are welcome to discuss about the topics mentioned above with the Borsoi team or contact us for your next project in textile:
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